
Continuations, sometimes called promises or futures, are a way of describing computation. In parigot, they are used to provide a way for a singly-threaded program to both send and receive messages.

Current continuation usage

The atlanta-0.3 release uses continuations for providing the illusion of a multi-threaded program on a single thread. In parigot the mechanism is called futures. In particular, there are two kinds of futures in the current release:

  • Method futures. These are futures that indicate that a method call to another service is in progress and we are waiting for the result. These have a method response type (defined in your protobuf spec) and an error code.
  • Base futures. Base futures are used when there is only a simple value whose computation we are waiting on, like an int, a bool, or ServiceId.

If you think about it, any method call to another service could take a long time to complete. Further, it might fail after a long period of time, say because the call timed out. That’s where Method futures come in. When you call a method on another service, you are returned a future.Method that has been parameterized by the return structure (a response) you expect from the other service, and an error type that is specific to the service you are calling.

Here is a method call that prints out response from a “greeting service” that has a single method FetchGreeting and our request to it is req.

// Make the call to the greeting service.
greetFuture := greetService.FetchGreeting(ctx, req)

// Handle positive outcome.
greetFuture.Method.Success(func(response *greeting.FetchGreetingResponse) {
	pcontext.Infof(ctx, "%s, world", response.Greeting)

//Handle negative outcome.
greetFuture.Method.Failure(func(err greeting.GreetErr) {
	pcontext.Errorf(ctx, "failed to fetch greeting: %s", greeting.GreetErr_name[int32(err)])

An example of Base futures is the Ready method that you have to write for any service of yours. Base futures have a method called Handle and one named Set. Base is parameterized by the type of the single value it does or will contain. Handle is used to add your code that will be executed when the value of the future is known, and the latter one is to indicate that the future is finished and we know the value. Consider this implementation of ready:

func (m *myService) Ready(_ context.Context, _ id.ServiceId) *future.Base[bool] {
	fut := future.NewBase[bool]()
	return fut

This is the trivial implementation of Ready in that it returns a Base future that is not only true but already completed. When the Set method is called, the future is marked completed.

A perhaps surprising consequence of the working with futures that are (or might be) completed is that later code that adds code to be executed when the future’s value is known, has its code executed immediately. For example:

func somefunc() {
	// ...
	fut := s.Ready() // shown above
	fut.Handle(func (ok bool){
		if ok {
			// we are ready to do something
		} else {
			// oops, ready call has failed


If we consider the example above with the Ready function and the example with somefunc, the code in the function literal will be executed immediately when the call to fut.Handle is made. There is nothing to be gained by waiting to run the function literal, we already know the outcome!

Why, you may ask, is Ready expected by the parigot API to return a future? The reason is because it is common for the Ready function to perform actions involving other services. A good example is to lookup references to other services that might be wanted later. Since this lookup could take a long time and/or fail, the evaluation of the Ready function has to be delayed until we know what happened with the lookup.

Golang and futures

Although these examples were shown in golang, the same basic structure can be used in any programming language, provided it can create closures. In golang (and soon in java) however, the futures mechanism is not really needed, golang has its own, possibly superior tools for dealing with this issue.

Even though a program is singly threaded, golang can provide the program with many goroutines. It is not uncomming to have programs that create thousands of goroutines, even running on only one thread! (In go, the same technique is called fibers.) In the case of go, it also has the channels mechanism to allow the go routines to communicate as well as block waiting on “the other party” when sending or receiving a message. We expect to have a second golang implementation of our API that uses goroutines and channels in the near future (heh!).

Why just one thread?

We can’t get into all the things we have planned, but we will say that if you write a program that is single threaded, we plan to offer you more capabilities than a multi-threaded program. Although the WASM spec on multi-threaded programs is not finalized, it is true that there are some implementations already out there.

parigot does plan to offer the ability to run multi-threaded programs if you want to do so. We are planning to implement this feature once the “ground stabilizes” under the spec.